Sunday School


We have a pager system, age appropriate toys, baby swings, activity seat and high chair as well as at least two experienced, screened child care workers for the Sunday morning service. We also have child care in the baby nursery on Sundays and Wednesday nights for ages 0-2 years.


We are traveling through the Bible in chronological order. My age group loves activity, and we act out many of our lessons for greater comprehension. We learn far more by the hands-on, "you are there" approach. The biggest hits are refrigerator and stove boxes used for caves, boats, houses, etc. Some things never change through the years! We periodically work with play dough and games to help learn other stories and truths. I am thankful for the privilege to teach and learn along with these kids. They come up with great questions; and at this age, they are not too timid to ask whatever comes to their minds. Sunday AM, Sunday PM, and Wednesday PM offers a teaching rotation of qualified workers with exciting lessons from the Bible.

Grades 1-3

Sunday School for grades 1 - 3 is a time for learning about Jesus our Savior. The class begins with prayer time for students' concerns and praises. During our Bible lesson time, our Scripture is read by volunteer readers. This is followed by discussion on how we can apply what we have just learned. The class time ends with an activity (art, game, playdoh, acting out the lesson, Scrabble tiles, etc. to help us remember. Come join our fun learning about our Savior Jesus Christ!

Grades 4-6

Our class begins each Sunday morning with a few minutes for the children to chat. During this time homework is collected and the memory verse from the previous week is recited. Points are given for attendance, bringing your Bible, bringing your completed homework, knowing your memory verse and good behavior. Next our class works on memorizing the new memory verse. After copying the verse two times we read a Bible story and discuss what we learned from the story and how to apply the lesson to our lives. Homework is given and then prayer requests are taken. After we pray together class is dismissed.

Grades 7-12

Grades 7-12 experience practical and interactive Biblical teaching especially addressing the challenges they face. Emphasis is placed upon the importance of developing one's own walk with God and attaining a working knowledge of God's Word.

Chapel Class

In our class we share the thought "Everyday Christian Living." Each week we are handed a lesson sheet to share & take home following the class after it's over. We have opening prayer as the class begins sharing the needs and blessings of others. The subjects of our lessons vary from week to week and are Bible Centered. This class is located in the small chapel room with comfortable pews and sound system.

Discipleship Class

This men's class is discussion oriented. The main focus is to develop a personal relationship with God the Father through the work and sacrifice of God the Son, Jesus Christ. We continue to learn how to recognize God's activity personally and collectively as the Holy Spirit reveals and convicts us concerning God's Word and how it applies to us. Each person can express his or her thoughts without fear, and we depend on each other for encouragement, comfort, and help in our Christian walk. The class is made up of growing individuals, intent on experiencing all in life that God intends for them.

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies, this Bible study and fellowship is uniquely designed for you.

New Beginnings Class

The New Beginning's class is unique in many ways. It is a special topics class. Pastor Jewett simply teaches on the subject or Bible book that the class chooses. A warm welcome awaits you!