At Jasper Bible Church, we have events and classes all year round for all ages for a great time of Christian fellowship. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on our contact page, or message us on facebook.
Young at Heart
March 8th | 1:00 - 3:00pm
8230 S. Adrian Hwy Jasper, MI 49248
Jasper Bible churchYoung at heart age (55 and up) St. Patrick's Day potluck. Bring a dish to pass, wear green, and think green for dessert.
Men's breakfast
March 13th | 8:00 - 10:00am
8230 S. Adrian Hwy Jasper, MI 49248
Jasper Bible churchMen's breakfast at Family Kitchen
March 22nd | 10:00 - 11:30am
8230 S. Adrian Hwy Jasper, MI 49248
Jasper Bible churchOur third annual TED (Teacher's enrichment day). All current teachers are asked to attend as well as anyone interested in teaching in the future or wanting to learn more about teaching God's word. Questions? See Pastor Jewett.